ayudar a alguien con adicción al alcohol

Find out how to help someone with alcohol addiction

Have you ever wondered how you can make a meaningful difference in the life of someone battling alcohol addiction? It’s a question that touches the hearts of many as we witness the destructive power of this formidable foe. 

In this exploration, we will uncover invaluable insights and strategies to support and guide those in need, shedding light on a path toward recovery and healing that is both compassionate and empowering. Join us on this transformative journey to discover how you can be a beacon of hope for someone you care about.


Help for someone with alcohol addiction

For people who have lost themselves in addiction, an alcohol rehabilitation clinic is critical. At Oceánica, we are focused on providing the best quality of service because we know how much dependencies can affect all areas of people’s lives.

According to the Pan American Health Organization, the consumption of alcoholic beverages increased considerably in Latin America, according to a report issued in 2017. Men drink 1.6 times more liquor than five years ago, while women increased consumption 2.8 times.

Dealing with reality is difficult, especially in such a hectic world of temptations. Many patients who require alcoholism treatment find themselves in a situation where they cannot stop.

Sometimes, they are aware that they use the drink to silence their sadness, frustrations, and worries. At the same time, in other cases, people cite their excessive intake of stimulant drinks to socially open behavior, denying themselves the opportunity to see clearly that they have a problem.

Alcoholism as a disease

However, it is impossible to deny that alcoholism is a chronic disease, which means that when they suffer from dependence, they can put their lives at risk if they do not recognize what they are doing and do not seek professional support.

In this dark panorama, questions arise among family and friends who experience firsthand the anguish represented by living with an addicted person:


  • When is that loved one considered dependent?
  • How healthy is the drink?
  • How many drinks are a lot?

When someone abuses liquor, they often feel guilty or ashamed, frequently lying or denying the problem. In addition, it is usually accompanied by other difficulties that arise as the situation worsens, such as failure in daily responsibilities or the appearance of related health conditions. 

Therefore, it is considered alcoholism when the intake begins to affect all areas of the person’s life, not only at the family level but also at work and society. Drinking becomes a priority over other things, even the most elementary things in life, such as self-care and children. Then it is necessary that, as concerned family or friends, you raise the feasibility of treatment for alcohol addiction in our rehabilitation center.

Tips to help someone with alcohol addiction

To help someone with alcohol addiction, here are some tips:

  • Get informed. There are differences between alcohol abuse and alcoholism, but what begins as abuse usually leads to dependence. It is best to seek expert advice from our professionals, whom they can contact without obligation and confidentially through the website.
  • Set up a meeting. We know that dealing with a potentially dependent person is not easy, as it is common to be defensive when trying to address the subject, but preparing a meeting to discuss it is essential. Do not be afraid or procrastinate. Love, understanding, and tolerance will be your best tools to succeed.
  • Don’t judge. Many alcoholics refuse the help offered to them because countless complaints and reproaches accompany it. We understand that you also suffer, but you must try to put yourself in the opposite role to help without attributing blame.
  • Find the best treatment. Rehabilitation from alcoholism can be a long process, but not impossible. On the Oceánica website, you can find our range of services to help you get your lives back on track because we want to see you succeed and be happy.

At Oceánica, we are a responsible and high-class institution. Our north is health care, providing care to addiction patients through proven, effective prevention and treatment programs. For more information, contact our therapists online or through the available numbers. Change your lives today.

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