Centro de rehabilitación para el tratamiento de adicciones - Oceánica

Post-Treatment Process de Adicciones

Oceánica has a large group of programs aimed at strengthening and caring for the recovery process of all our graduates. Learn about our addiction post-treatment process.

Relapse Prevention Monitoring

After discharge from the residential phase in the clinic, we provide weekly monitoring by telephone for the identification and timely intervention of relapse factors that may occur during early recovery. Monitoring includes contact with relatives authorized by the graduate, who, together with Oceánica, support the continuity of life in sobriety.

Continuing Care Program

This program provides Continuous Care through weekly therapeutic groups in person in Mazatlán or virtual through a secure videoconference platform facilitated by professional therapists specialized in relapse prevention.

Reinforcement Program

They represent a review of the personal recovery process to identify risk factors and relapse, reaffirm the knowledge acquired, and develop new support and support strategies.

They last five days, from Monday to Friday, and can be taken externally and internally at the Treatment Center.

These reinforcements are organized by topics aimed at specific skills for staying sober.

Crisis Assistance Program

It is a two-week immediate assistance program recommended when, in the recovery process, a person some factors put their abstinence at risk and exceed their ability to resolve them outside an intensive clinical monitoring environment.

The Students and the Addiction Post-Treatment Process

Once the six months of relapse prevention monitoring are over, we will continue with you through a lifelong relationship based on communication and support through a student relationship. A communication office created by Oceánica is in charge of maintaining contact with the graduates through visits to the main cities in Mexico and abroad, where our graduates gather to lead conferences, workshops, and
coexistence meetings, as well as communication bulletins, a quarterly virtual magazine, chat and continuing care groups, clinic Anniversary celebrations, and many other activities.

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