Alcoholism in Latin American Community  -The Silent Killer

Alcoholism, often called ‘the silent killer,’ hides a grave reality beneath its seemingly harmless surface in the Latin American Community in the USA. Millions grapple with this public health crisis in a world of health discussions. This article delves into its causes, consequences, and solutions. 

Alcoholism in Latin American culture

Latin American culture is steeped in tequila, aguardiente, and rum. We have a reputation for cheerful people who do not disgust a meeting with friends, an outing to the bar with the couple, or a celebration in which glittering glasses of alcohol flow freely, but alcoholism is a silent killer.

Our young people feel grown when they can proudly say they’ve had a couple of drinks, become drunk, and are beginning to develop resistance to continuous drinking. 

But have you stopped to think about what it means for the future of our country? At our alcohol rehabilitation center, Oceánica, we have been concerned about the repercussions of liquor consumption from an early age.

Far from the symbolism of alcohol consumption about masculinity or the romantic notion of drowning sorrows, liquor kills and does so slowly. Thus, you can’t stop when you realize it and must call for help. And even if you do and muster the determination to quit drinking for good, you may have an outstanding price to pay. 

Your body takes its toll on you for the evils you have caused. If you’re young, it may not be now, but in the long run, you’ll notice that the intake of spirits leads to premature aging, cirrhosis, and certain types of cancer.

Alcoholism – “I used to sweat vodka”

According to the National Institute of Public Health (INSP), liquor consumption is estimated as one of the main risk factors for disability and premature death.

Alcohol is not only a drink but a drug that generates dependence, leading to more than 200 life-threatening diseases and injuries that can compromise your quality of life. It is enough that you look in the mirror of some celebrities who have suffered from alcoholism and have overcome it for you to realize the danger involved.

The British actor Gary Oldman, one of the most acclaimed film figures of the last fifty years and recognized for film roles that have passed to posterity, was one of the lucky ones who fell into alcoholism and lived to tell the tale. 

At 62 and with an acclaimed career, he has not been afraid to confess that there was a very dark moment when he said: “I used to sweat vodka.” This drink became so essential for him that he could not give it up.

Alcoholism Before age 17

The issue is that specialists in the treatment of alcoholism have been able to corroborate that not all patients with dependence on liquor consumption have been so fortunate.

To stand on a stage and say with gratitude to life that you sweated vodka and got over it long ago like Gary Oldman did, you need help.

In our rehabilitation center for alcoholics, we know that, in Mexico, alcohol consumption per capita is 4.4 liters per year. However, the pattern is characterized by excessively consuming large amounts in short periods, especially on weekends.

The National Survey on the Consumption of Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco (ENCODAT) reported in 2016 that 71% of the population of our country has ingested spirits at some time in their lives, and 33.6% reported an abuse of this substance in the previous year.

The most worrying thing is that, among those who reported drinking alcohol regularly, 53.1% tried the drink before the age of 17, while 41.3% did so between the ages of 18 and 25. The remaining 5.6% have continued to drink until after age 65.

The Road to the Tomb

The picture of recent months about the intake of spirits has sharpened significantly. Various media and health entities have reported that alcohol-related illnesses claimed 501 lives in Chihuahua alone. 

The National Institute of Geography and Statistics (INEGI) corroborated this data. It has been causing greater alarm in our center, specializing in alcoholism treatment, where we have the professional team and tools to offer you the guidance you need to overcome addiction and change your life.

The official registry of deaths derived from alcohol consumption in Chihuahua revealed that 367 deaths are classified as alcoholic liver disease. It means that at least one regional citizen dies daily. Of the rest, 134 deaths have been due to withdrawal syndrome. 

In addition, in our alcohol rehabilitation center, INEGI has stated that alcoholism-related deaths have maintained an average per year of between 500 and 530 cases for a decade, with a decrease in average age.

We are here to serve you

In Oceánica, we are an alcoholic rehabilitation center in Mazatlan, Sinaloa. We have over 22 years of experience and 6,500 success stories in the treatment application for patients dependent on alcohol and other substances. To request more information, we invite you to communicate through live chat, fill out the form, call 55 8854 7141, or email

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